The problem is that many people avoid writing. These three techniques help you loosen up and get stared are free writing, brainstorming, and keeping a journal.
1.) Freewriting is a method many writers use to warp up and get ideas onto paper.
Here are the guidelines: for five or ten full minutes, write without stopping about anything that comes into your mind.
Don't worry about grammar or about writing complete sentences; just set a timer and go.
If you get stuck, repeat or rhyme the last word you wrote, but keep writing nonstop until the timer sounds.
Afterwards, read what you have written, and underline any parts you like.
2.) Brainstorming means freely jotting ideas about topic.
As in freewriting, the purpose of brainstorming is to get as many ideas as possible onto paper, so you will have something to work with later.
Just write down everything that comes to mind about a topic, words and phrases, ideas, details, examples, little stories.
Once you have brainstormed, read over your list, underlining any ideas you might want to develop further.
3.)Keeping a journal is an excellent way to practice your writing skills, and a journal can be a gold mine of writing ideas.
Set aside a section of your notebook, or get yourself a special book with large, lined paper.
every night, or several times a week, write for at least ten minutes in your journal.
Write in detail about things that matter to you like, family situation, something important you have learned, something you did well, a problem or triumph at school or work, falling in or out of love.
If possible, carry the notebook during the day for fast sketches.
Jot down moving or funny moments like, people or things that catch your attention, a homeless person in the streets, and etc.
You will soon find that all day long things will catch your eye.
write them down; try to capture them in words.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Getting Started...
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Why read Literature?
Imaginative literature invites you to share in human experience.
It makes you more fully aware of how other human beings think and feel.
Literature "holds the mirror" up to life, but it is more active than mirror.
Unlike a mirror, it selects what is important. It finds a pattern in what it sees; it finds a meaning.
Readers who love imaginative literature know that it enriches their lives.
It helps them understand what it means to be human.
Each poem is different.
Each short fiction story or play creates it own world.
Nevertheless, (SHE)- stand for Significance-Human-Experience a new ways of looking at life.
Creativity is everyone's birthright.
There is a poet buried in every one of us.
The mortal eyes...
Thanks God!
I have the power to see,
Every little things in this world,
That are something gives worthy!
The life of every single person,
It's nothing without this windows of our soul,
Others don't know how to appreciate,
Don't put blinds on windows!
Nothing's wrong if you put blinds,
But you miss the wonder of arts
Art is everywhere around you,
It helps you to grow mentally, emotionally or physically!
But how about pretending to be blind and the real blinds....
Are they fortunate enough..
Your own opinion is yours!
Every Steps for success....
There was a time I feel so terrible,
About something that is part of my life,
The next level of every steps of the way!
Yesterday is part of today,
Today is part of tomorrow,
Tomorrow is part of the future!
I learned most of my yesterdays dreams,
Today is the start for a new challenges and struggles,
Tomorrow... again... at the same time to reflect for the future!
What really life is for sacrificing your own history of life,
Struggling your own distinctions,
And suffering the circumstances at a given time?
Time matters most of my daily existence,
Chances are so much more around me,
But how to grab the best?
I try to make the best,
Some was failed,
Some was success!
The moment I'm alone,
So many things to think,
So much past to remember!
The moment I'm happy,
So much funny things to laugh,
So much past to remember!
Count the moment,
Whenever sad or happy one,
Every step of the way you will remember.
One moment things will be fine,
Make the best you could,
Even you are ok! or not ok!
Simple matter makes you satisfy,
From your heartbeat,
Willingness is your key to enjoy!
Complicated things challenged you most,
The more Problems you solved,
the more answer you get!
Everything you do has a purpose,
Action is the best sign of progress,
do it while still have time!
Boredom makes me tired,
Feel uncomfortable,
no sense at all.
Loneliness makes me unhappy,
Feeling crazy,
Just nothing.
So wonderful to live,
Life's full of everything,
The "BUT" is always there.
Everyone searching,
For happiness and satisfactions,
What else?
Even you yourself,
Do not know,
These are my latest painting the sea scape and the abstract. This is how I expresses my mode of doing i wish i can create more paintings until the rest of my life... painting is an art of mode created by the spirit of a painter that makes sounds to everybody no matter what it long as that exist into humans eyes. And the emotion along with the brush stroked mixing as the color mixed.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Makes fool!
Shadows of darkness,
Speechless moment,
Bearing control!
Space of no where,
Love caught in anger,
Nourish by epoch,
Forbearing emptiness!
Vile taking slow!
Hideous fair,
Consummate place,
Unsavory taste!
Distinctive impulse,
Undeniable argument,
Dwelling curse!

Meta-beauty of CNU